Wednesday, August 12, 2009

powerpoint tutorial

Hi all,
I went through and did the powerpoint tutorial and had a play with the various toolbars and features. Some I have had previous experience with and some I had not even heard of before. Adding motion - swapping slides around and transitions was interesting and really answered questions I had not been able to figure out before now, was definately worth doing to tutorial. The timing feature of powerpoint i love because it means the powerpoint can either run on its own without someone intervening and running it or it can run while someone does the talking to explains what is on each slide.
Adding sound to a powerpoint adds another dimension to the learning experience and therefore ignites another sense in the children's experience. When making a powerpoint as many senses as possible should be explored to keep this children interested, if there is sound/music, pictures and animations, language and bright colours plus an interactive teacher who challenges and engages the children this should be one awesome class experience that the children will love and will come asking for more.
fingers crossed I can keep the children engaged in this way on a daily basis.

thanks, stacy

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